how to improve heart health and prevent heart diseases

how to improve heart health and prevent heart disease

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According to the World Health Organization, heart disease is the top cause of death for both men and women globally, but there are steps you can do to drastically lower your risk.

A nutritious diet is a crucial component in preventing heart disease, along with regular exercise and quitting smoking. But which diet best complies with the American Heart Association's dietary recommendations?

Leading nutrition experts have ranked 10 popular diets according to how well they can adhere to the AHA's evidence-based dietary recommendations for heart health, which will be released in 2021, in a new scientific statement.

The victor? The DASH diet was completely in line with AHA recommendations for heart-healthy eating. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, is an acronym for high blood pressure as a key risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

The pescatarian diet, which excludes meat and poultry but allows dairy, eggs, fish, and other seafood, was 92% in line with AHA recommendations. There was 86% agreement between the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, which permits dairy and eggs, and versions that only include one of the two.

According to research, eating a Mediterranean-style diet can lower your risk of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss, depression, and breast cancer, in addition to helping you lose weight and live a longer, healthier life.

However, Gardner noted that because all of these diets have so much in common, they can actually be categorized as the top "tier" of eating habits.

"We were basically trying to say a diet doesn't have to be 100 to be good," he added. "All of the top-tier diets are plant-based, and if they err slightly, they aren't difficult to correct. Keto and paleo, however, are actually unfixable. They would require a comprehensive overhaul.

Due to their concentration on red meat, entire dairy products, and saturated fats as well as their low intake of fruits and vegetables, very low-carb diets like Atkins and different ketogenic diets like the well-formulated ketogenic diet, or WFKD, were at the bottom tier of heart-healthy eating patterns.

The new AHA list of the top 10 diets may and should be used by anybody concerned with heart health, but the scientific statement was created with doctors in mind, according to Gardner. Since nutrition is not frequently prioritized in medical school, the objective is to bring doctors up to speed.

"It's a cheat sheet for doctors," Gardner remarked. "When a patient responds, 'Oh, yeah, I'm paleo,' they ask about their diet, which I don't believe happens very often. I am a vegan. They may not fully understand what "I'm keto or I'm DASH" implies.

The director of cardiovascular prevention and wellness at National Jewish Health, a hospital in Denver, preventive cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman, said it is unquestionably accurate.

"We surveyed 1,000 cardiologists five or six years ago, and it turns out that about 90% of us know almost nothing about nutrition," said Freeman, who wasn't involved in the creation of the AHA statement.

However, Freeman continued, patients need their doctors to bring up nutrition with them when they go in for routine checkups.

Do I truly believe that we should have been pounding the nutrition drum for the past 100 years if you ask me? Yes. So I'm always in favor if we can beat the drum a little louder," he said.

Doctors will now be more equipped to discuss the foods on those diets and which to stress, limit, or avoid thanks to a color-coded chart, according to Gardner. Advice should concentrate on a general dietary pattern rather than the advantages of particular heart-healthy substances and foods.

"When there was just a single heart-healthy nutrient, you could just inject that nutrient into food and claim it's healthy food, which it wasn't," he said. "Or if there's a superfood like chia seeds, you could take a really bad food and sprinkle chia seeds on it and say, 'Ah, I'm now protected,'" the author continued. No, it must be a part of a general eating plan that is healthful.

However, Freeman cautioned that addressing those issues might require more than just personal willpower.

Asking society to change a fundamental aspect of daily life will be very difficult, he said. "It's hard to adhere to a diet in a society that allows ultra-processed comfort foods like bacon-on-a-stick to be the norm."

However, I would also say that the plant-based food movement is the one that is expanding the fastest in the nation, he added. Thus, there is hope.

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